
  • Optimizing the HSX stellarator for microinstability by coil-current adjustments,
    M.J. Gerard, B. Geiger, M.J. Pueschel, A. Bader, C.C. Hegna, B.J. Faber, P.W. Terry, S.T.A. Kumar and J.C. Schmitt
    Nuclear Fusion 63, 056004 (2023)
  • Design study of an edge current density diagnostic using new high-performance single-channel beam emission spectrometers at DIII-D,
    R. Albosta, B. Geiger, G. McKee, D. Den Hartog, J. Schellpfeffer, T. Gallenberger, S. Stewart, and R. Dux
    Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 113546 (2022)
  • Pedestal fluctuation measurements with charge exchange imaging at the DIII-D tokamak,
    M. R. Major, G. R. McKee, B. Geiger, D. J. Den Hartog, K. Jaehnig, C. Seyfert, D. R. Smith, S. D. Stewart, and Z. Yan
    Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 113503 (2022)
  • Integrated 2D beam emission spectroscopy diagnostic at the Huan-Liuqi-2A (HL-2A) tokamak,
    X. Qin, G. McKee, Z. Yan, B. Geiger, R. Ke, K. Jaehnig, L. Morton, Y. Wu, T. Wu, and M. Xu
    Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 103535 (2022)
  • Design of a new charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic for impurity transport experiments at Wendelstein 7-X,
    Colin Swee, Benedikt Geiger, Ryan Albosta, Oliver Ford, Stuart Loch, M. D. Nornberg, Jacob Schellpheffer, Thomas Wegner, and W7-X Team2
    Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 103523 (2022)
  • Conceptual design and performance predictions for 2D beam emission spectroscopy turbulence measurements at Wendelstein 7-X,
    D. R. Smith, G. McKee, D. Den Hartog, B. Geiger, O. Grulke, X. Han, K. Jaehnig, C. Seyfert, and T. Windisch
    Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 073506 (2022)
  • Impurity transport studies at the HSX stellarator using active and passive CVI spectroscopy,
    C. Swee, B. Geiger, R. Dux, S. T. A. Kumar, J. F. Castillo, A. Bader, and M. Gerard
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 015008 (2021)
  • Scoping study of detecting high harmonic fast waves in NSTX-U hot core plasma directly using beam emission spectroscopy,
    G. Rutherford, S. Shiraiwa, D. R. Smith, and N. Bertelli
    Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 053521 (2021)
  • Ion temperature and rotation fluctuation measurements with ultra-fast charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (UF-CHERS) in the DIII-D tokamak,
    D. D. Truong, G. R. McKee, Z. Yan, K. Jaehnig, G. R. Winz, R. J. Fonck, and B. Geiger
    Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 053513 (2021)
  • Effect of magnetic perturbations on turbulence-flow dynamics at the L-H transition on DIII-D,
    D. M. Kriete, G. R. McKee, L. Schmitz, D. R. Smith, Z. Yan, L. A. Mortaon, and R. J. Fonck
    Physics of Plasmas 27, 062507 (2020)
  • Safety factor and turbulence dynamics dependence of the L-H power threshold on DIII-D,
    Z. Yan, G. R. McKee, P. Gohil, L. Schmitz, C. Holland, S. R. Haskey, B. A. Grierson, R. Ke, T. Rhodes, and C. Petty,
    Physics of Plasmas 26, 062507 (2019)
  • Spatial heterodyne spectroscopy for high speed measurements of Stark split neutral beam emission in a high temperature plasma,
    M. G. Burke, R. J. Fonck, G. R. McKee, and G. R. Winz
    Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 10D114 (2018)
  • Extracting the turbulent flow-field from beam emission spectroscopy images using velocimetry,
    D. M. Kriete, G. R. McKee, R. J. Fonck, D. R. Smith, G. G. Whelan, and Z. Yan
    Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 10E107 (2018)
  • Turbulence and sheared flow structures behind the isotopic dependence of the L-H power threshold on DIII-D,
    Z. Yan, P. Gohil, G.R. McKee, D. Eldon, B. Grierson, T. Rhodes and C.C. Petty
    Nuclear Fusion 57, 126015 (2017)
  • Turbulence evolution and transport behavior during current ramp-up in ITER-like plasmas on DIII-D,
    G.R. McKee, M. Austin, J. Boedo, R. Bravenec, C. Holland, G. Jackson, T.C. Luce, T.L. Rhodes, D. Rudakov, G. Wang
    Nuclear Fusion 57, 086032 (2017)
  • Evolution patterns and parameter regimes in edge localized modes on the National Spherical Torus Experiment,
    D. R. Smith, R. J. Fonck, G. R. McKee, A. Diallo, S. M. Kaye, B. P. LeBlanc, and S. A. Sabbagh
    Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 58, 045003 (2016)
  • Observation of the L?H Confinement Bifurcation Triggered by a Turbulence-Driven Shear Flow in a Tokamak Plasma,
    Z. Yan, G.R. McKee, R. Fonck, P. Gohil, R.J. Groebner, and T.H. Osborne
    Physical Review Letters 112, 125002 (2014)
  • Increase of turbulence and transport with resonant magnetic perturbations in ELM-suppressed plasmas on DIII-D,
    G.R. McKee, Z. Yan, C. Holland, R.J. Buttery, T.E. Evans, R.A. Moyer, S. Mordijck, R. Nazikian, T.L. Rhodes, and O. Schmitz
    Nuclear Fusion 53, 113011 (2013)
  • Measurements and simulations of low wavenumber pedestal turbulence in the National Spherical Torus Experiment,
    D. R. Smith, S. E. Parker, W. Wan, Y. Chen, A. Diallo, B. D. Dudson, R. J. Fonck, W. Guttenfelder, G. R. McKee, S. M. Kaye, D. S. Thompson, R. E. Bell, B. P. LeBlanc, and M. Podesta
    Nuclear Fusion 53, 113029 (2013)
  • Relating the L–H power threshold scaling to edge turbulence dynamics
    Z. Yan, G.R. McKee, J.A. Boedo, D.L. Rudakov, L. Schmitz, P.H. Diamond, G. Tynan, R.J. Fonck, R.J. Groebner, T.H. Osborne, and P. Gohil
    Nuclear Fusion 53, 113038 (2013)
  • Characterization and parametric dependencies of low wavenumber pedestal turbulence in the National Spherical Torus Experiment,
    D. R. Smith, R. J. Fonck, G. R. McKee, D. S. Thompson, R. E. Bell, A. Diallo, W. Guttenfelder, S. M. Kaye, B. P. LeBlanc, and M. Podesta
    Physics of Plasmas 20, 055903 (2013)
  • Ultra-fast charge exchange spectroscopy for turbulent ion temperature fluctuation measurements on the DIII-D tokamak (invited),
    I. U. Uzun-Kaymak, R. J. Fonck, and G. R. McKee,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 10D526 (2012),
  • Diagnostic performance of the beam emission spectroscopy system on the National Spherical Torus Experiment,
    D. R. Smith, R. J. Fonck, G. R. McKee, and D. S. Thompson,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 10D502 (2012)
  • 2D properties of core turbulence on DIII-D and comparison to gyrokinetic simulations,
    M. W. Shafer, R. J. Fonck, G. R. McKee, C. Holland, A. E. White, and D. J. Schlossberg,
    Physics of Plasmas 19, 032504 (2012)
  • Pedestal density fluctuation dynamics during the inter-ELM cycle in DIII-D,
    Z. Yan, G. R. McKee, R. J. Groebner, P. B. Snyder, T. H. Osborne, M. N. Beurskens, and K. H. Burrell,
    Physics of Plasmas 18, 056117 (2011)
  • High-Frequency Coherent Edge Fluctuations in a High-Pedestal-Pressure Quiescent H-Mode Plasma,
    Z. Yan, G. R. McKee, R. J. Groebner, P. B. Snyder, T. H. Osborne, and K. H. Burrell,
    Physical Review Letters 107, 055004 (2011)
  • Ultrafast spectroscopy diagnostic to measure localized ion temperature and toroidal velocity fluctuations,
    I. U. Uzun-Kaymakc), R. J. Fonck, G. R. McKee, N. Schoenbeck, D. Smith, G. Winz, and Z. Yan,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 10D714 (2010)
  • Overview of the beam emission spectroscopy diagnostic system on the National Spherical Torus Experiment,
    D. R. Smith, H. Feder, R. Feder, R. J. Fonck, G. Labik, G. R. McKee, N. Schoenbeck, B. C. Stratton, I. Uzun-Kaymak, and G. Winz,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 10D717 (2010)
  • Wide-field turbulence imaging with beam emission spectroscopy,
    G. R. McKee, R. J. Fonck, M. W. Shafer, I. U. Uzun-Kaymak, and Z. Yan,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 10D741 (2010)
  • Dynamic programming based time-delay estimation technique for analysis of time-varying time-delay,
    Deepak K. Gupta, George R. McKee, and Raymond J. Fonck,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 013501 (2010)
  • Localized Turbulence Suppression and Increased Flow Shear near the q=2 Surface during Internal-Transport-Barrier Formation,
    M. W. Shafer, G. R. McKee, M. E. Austin, K. H. Burrell, R. J. Fonck, and D. J. Schlossberg,
    Physical Review Letters 103, 075004 (2009)
  • Dependence of the L- to H-mode power threshold on toroidal rotation and the link to edge turbulence dynamics,
    G.R. McKee, P. Gohil, D.J. Schlossberg, J.A. Boedo, K.H. Burrell, J.S. deGrassie, R.J. Groebner, R.A. Moyer, C.C. Petty, T.L. Rhodes,
    Nuclear Fusion 49, 115016 (2009)
  • Dependence of the low to high confinement mode transition power threshold and turbulence flow shear on injected torque,
    D. J. Schlossberg, G. R. McKee, R. J. Fonck, K. H. Burrell, P. Gohil, R. J. Groebner, M. W. Shafer, W. M. Solomon, and G. Wang,
    Physics of Plasmas 16, 080701 (2009)
  • Ultrafast ion temperature and toroidal velocity fluctuation spectroscopy diagnostic design,
    G. R. McKee, D. J. Schlossberg, and M. W. Shafer,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 10F528 (2008)
  • Zonal-flow-driven nonlinear energy transfer in experiment and simulation,
    C. Holland, G. R. Tynan, R. J. Fonck, G. R. McKee, J. Candy, and R. E. Waltz,
    Physics of Plasmas 14, 056112 (2007)
  • Detection of Zero-Mean-Frequency Zonal Flows in the Core of a High-Temperature Tokamak Plasma,
    D. K. Gupta, R. J. Fonck, G. R. McKee, D. J. Schlossberg, and M. W. Shafer,
    Physical Review Letters 97, 125002 (2006)
  • High sensitivity beam emission spectroscopy for core plasma turbulence imaging (invited),
    G. R. McKee, R. J. Fonck, D. K. Gupta, D. J. Schlossberg, M. W. Shafer, and R. L. Boivin,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 77, 10F104 (2006)
  • Structure and scaling properties of the geodesic acoustic mode,
    G R McKee, D K Gupta, R J Fonck, D J Schlossberg, M W Shafer and P Gohil,
    Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48 S123 (2006)
  • Velocity fluctuation analysis via dynamic programming,
    D. J. Schlossberg, D. K. Gupta, R. J. Fonck, G. R. McKee, and M. W. Shafer,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 77, 10F518 (2006)
  • Spatial transfer function for the beam emission spectroscopy diagnostic on DIII-D,
    M. W. Shafer, R. J. Fonck, G. R. McKee, and D. J. Schlossberg,
    Review of Scientific Instruments 77, 10F110 (2006)